By next TV season, the Inner Toob showcase "As Seen On TV" will have some fresh material to draw from: Rob Lowe as Drew Peterson, the Illinois cop suspected of killing his third and fourth wives will be seen in a new TV movie. Kaley Cuocco will co-star, probably as one of those wives.


I should have saved last Monday's ASOTV showcase of Philip II of Spain for later in the week:

June 15
1580Philip II of Spain declares William the Silent to be an outlaw.

June 16
1586Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir and successor.

Well, at least as far as June 16 goes, I preferred using Stan Laurel as a birthday salute to my brother AJ.


Sunday night, the season finales of both 'Game Of Thrones' and 'The Killing' were broadcast (on HBO and AMC, respectively). Both shows asked their audiences to toss away their calcified TV viewing expectations - one by killing off the main character an episode shy of the season finale; the other by going the long-form route to focus on only one murder case over the span of the whole season.

'Game Of Thrones' succeeded - I can't wait for Spring 2012 so that I might once more travel through the lands of Westeros again. 'The Killing' did not - instead of wrapping up the case, the producers decided to turn the ending into a cliff-hanger as leverage for a new season, which AMC granted them. (They may not have come right out and said the murder of Rosie Larsen would be solved by season's end, but it was implied and assumed and no effort was made to dispell those beliefs. Fine. But let's see how low the audience figures are when the show returns - I know I'm not returning ever again. I'll keep track via online episode guides only long enough to find out who the true killer was.)

Both shows will get plenty of notice in the 2011 Toobits Awards at the end of the year, but at different ends of the spectrum.....


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