So here are some simple tips as to how you can help, kind wonderful Millennium fans that you are!
We mention this q

We appreciate letter writing isn't easy - so we have a page at BacktoFrankBlack.com to help you. Simply click here to be taken there!
DVD sales:
We don't want to harass you into buying DVDs, but if you are looking at a way to support backtoFrankBlack you can't go wrong with purchasing the DVDs - simply because alongside letters, a display of consumer power really turns industry heads. If the DVDs sell well, it shows people don't just like the show, they'll pay for it. Money - believe it or not - goes a long way in the entertainment industry my sweethearts. Click one of the links on this site to go and purchase from amazon.com, or pick your own method of purchase!
Doesn't really matter where, as you long as you support Millennium by buying Millennium - and you can get some pretty good deals on the DVD sets as well. If you don't live in the States, we recommend maybe looking at places closer to home that would incur delivery, for instance, amazon.co.uk or play.com for British followers. Look for the bargains!
We must confess, through this busy year the core BTFB team haven't headed out to th

If you meet any of the cast and crew from Millennium, send us a picture of you with those talented people and we'll post it here!
Lance is very keen to see a Millennium theme run at a con - and willing to help trying and pull some support from the cast and crew! If we knew you people were interested, your feedback might make it happen. It's just talk at the moment, but who knows - if we get the interest the idea might sell!
Help us on this blog!
We have several inititives running at the moment - some with prizes!
- We have Frankly Speaking: create a Youtube video expressing your love for Millennium (and perhaps win a Millennium: Apocalypse DVD for your efforts!)
- We have our Seven and One: Tell us about you!
- Got a Millennium tattoo? We'd love to hear from you!
- Art? Music? Let us see your work!
- Want to voice your opinion on our blog? Email me at mark@backtofrankblack.com for the opportunity!
Spread the word
- Post about us on your blogs, put us in your signatures, tell the internet all about us! We have a load of banners and icons for you to download and even some wallpapers and avatars to help give you that BacktoFrankBlack identity you've always wanted!
- Join us on twitter! Help grow our social network at www.twitter.com/back2frankblack
- Our Myspace is a growing community as well! Link in with us at www.myspace.com/backtofrankblack!
Don't be afraid to tell us what you think. You may notice the DVD links on the blog and website. These are there because someone recommended we did it, so we did. We appreciate feedback. Contact us on info@backtofrankblack.com or if you want to speak to me mark@backtofrankblack.com. You can help us shape YOUR campaign. Because in the end, this campaign is for the fans.
Finally... don't give up hope!
We have Lance firmly on our side, the media has been very receptive, the cast and crew we've interviewed are v

We have more stuff planned: big interviews, interactive events, giveaways and more so bookmark us, talk to us, and let's really work together to bring Frank Black back! Read more...